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Team: Visit Belfast 2024

Deborah has contributed 25 journeys to their team’s progress. That’s around 3% of their team’s journeys.

Earn badges


25 Journeys


  • 25 Total
  • 0 Cycling
  • 7 Walking
  • 0 Running
  • 0 E-cycling
  • 0 Scooter/ skateboard
  • 0 Wheelchair
  • 0 Bus
  • 0 Train
  • 6 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 12 Park and ride
  • 0 Paddling/ Kayaking


25 Journey Bank


Deborah hasn’t set a target yet.

Active counter

0 Minutes of 150 minutes

Do 150 minutes of exercise this week

Target completed 0%

Can you achieve your activity just through commuting?

Over a week, you should be active for at least 150 minutes (2½ hours). One way to achieve this is to do 30 minutes of moderately intensive activity at least 5 days a week. Find out more


301 Miles


  • 301 Total
  • 0 Cycling
  • 31 Walking
  • 0 Running
  • 0 E-cycling
  • 0 Scooter/ skateboard
  • 0 Wheelchair
  • 0 Bus
  • 0 Train
  • 90 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 180 Park and ride
  • 0 Paddling/ Kayaking


3,407 Calories


  • 3,407 Total
  • 0 Cycling
  • 2,862 Walking
  • 0 Running
  • 0 E-cycling
  • 0 Scooter/ skateboard
  • 0 Wheelchair
  • 0 Bus
  • 0 Train
  • 149 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 396 Park and ride
  • 0 Paddling/ Kayaking

Cost savings

£27.90 Saved

Cost Savings

  • £27.90 Total
  • £0 Cycling
  • £0.00 Walking
  • £0 Running
  • £0 E-cycling
  • £0 Scooter/ skateboard
  • £0 Wheelchair
  • £0 Bus
  • £0 Train
  • £20.70 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • £7.20 Park and ride
  • £0 Paddling/ Kayaking

Carbon emissions

33kg CO2 saved

Carbon Emissions

  • 33kg Total
  • 0kg Cycling
  • 0kg Walking
  • 0kg Running
  • 0kg E-cycling
  • 0kg Scooter/ skateboard
  • 0kg Wheelchair
  • 0kg Bus
  • 0kg Train
  • 12kg Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 22kg Park and ride
  • 0kg Paddling/ Kayaking

Deborah’s photo gallery

Deborah hasn’t uploaded any photos yet.

Deborah’s updates

Deborah hasn’t posted an update yet.