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Sign up to this year’s challenge and you can win great prizes!

Read on to find out what is on offer, along with how to win our weekly prize vouchers.

Each week we will be handing out voucher prizes or Translink travel passes for different categories, so there are plenty of ways to help you stay motivated throughout June!

If you are eligible to win from the journeys you log, you will be entered into the prize draws each week. We will announce winners weekly in your emailed newsletter.

A Raleigh Strada City Hybrid bike AND two sets of an adult and child scooter to win by the end of June!

3 very special recognition prizes will be awarded this year to 3 worthy winners who have made that extra effort to get active throughout June.
Whether you are trying to get a bit fitter, save some money or trying out some new local routes without your car we will be keeping our eyes open to spot those making extra efforts throughout the month.

to be in with the chance of winning you should...

Log regular journeys

Leave your car at home for local trips and switch to walk, wheel and public transport journeys

Talk about your efforts and share your stories by posting your comments on social media and the Challenge platform.

The top 10 participants who have been actively getting involved will be entered into the prize draw.

17 - 23 June

Made the change during the week of Clean Air Day, 20 June
It's Clean Air Day this week and a £25 shopping voucher will be awarded to 2 people who shift their travel from the car to scooting, walking or wheeling during this week.

Working from home award
£25 shopping voucher awarded to 2 people from everyone who works from home that logs 4 or more journeys this week. This includes journeys logged as exercise.

Social Media
£20 shopping voucher awarded to 1 person from everyone who shares their journey on social media. You must use the #GetMeActiveNI tag so we can find it on social media.

Participation award
£25 shopping voucher awarded to 1 person who has logged more than 12 journeys since the Challenge started on 1 June.

24 - 30 June

It's the final week! Keep logging your journeys and tell us your story by sharing your photos and updates on this website via your Personal Profile.

To enter the photo and story competitions, scroll down to the bottom right two boxes on your profile to upload your photos and updates.

Best photo
£30 shopping voucher awarded to 1 person whose photo we like the most, from everyone who uploads a photo connected to their Challenge journey on the Challenge platform.
Runner-up prize of a £25 shopping voucher.

Best comment or story
£30 shopping voucher awarded to 1 person whose comment or story we like the most, from everyone who uploads an update or comment connected to their Challenge journey on the Challenge platform. Runner-up prize of a £25 shopping voucher.

Working from home award
£20 shoping voucher awarded to 1 person from everyone who works from home that logs 4 or more active journeys (run /walk /cycle /scoot /wheel) this week. This includes journeys logged as exercise.

Made the change
£20 shopping voucher will be awarded to 1 person who shifts their travel from the car to scooting, walking or wheeling during this week.

Social Media
£25 shopping voucher awarded to 1 person from everyone who shares their journey on social media. You must use the #GetMeActiveNI tag so we can find it on social media.

Participation award
£25 shoping voucher awarded to 1 person from everyone who logs more than 16 journeys over the course of this year's Challenge

Overall Prizes
Winner is selected at random from individuals logging most journeys

Walking champion - Most walking journeys recorded. Winner taken from the top 10 individuals wins a £50 shopping voucher

Cycling champion - Most cycling journeys recorded. Winner taken from the top 10 individuals wins a £50 shopping voucher

Bus champion - Most bus journeys recorded. Winner taken from the top 10 individuals wins a £50 shopping voucher

Train champion - Most train journeys recorded. Winner taken from the top 10 individuals wins a £50 shopping voucher

Workplace Prizes
Winners are selected by employee participation rather than number of journeys

Best team in each size category: A donation of £100 made to the National Trust on behalf of each winner to plant 10 saplings.
Each team will also receive a certificate.

Runners up in each category will receive a certificate

There will also be a Special Recognition Award

Workplace Categories are:
• 3 - 19 employee workplace
• 20 - 99 employee workplace
• 100 - 499 employee workplace
• 500 - 999 employee workplace
• 1000+ employee workplace

22 April - 31 May

Register for the challenge

£20 voucher awarded to one person in each of April and May for simply registering for the challenge.

Refer a friend
Prize awarded to one person each week leading up to the 1 June for referring a friend to the challenge who then signs up.

Once they sign up using the referral link you send them, you will be entered into the prize draw the week they sign up.

Prizes are as follows:

22 - 28 April
£20 voucher

29 April - 5 May
£20 voucher

6 - 12 May
£20 voucher

13 - 19 May
£20 voucher

20 - 26 May
Family/Friends Day pass for up to 8 people (Andersonstown Better Leisure Centre)

27 - 31 May
Monthly adult membership pass (any GLL leisure centre)

1 - 9 June

It's Green Transport Week and Translink are taking over to award the prizes for swapping how you travel!

Let's get going
Tranlink ilink day pass awarded to 1 person from everyone who logs a journey this week.

Green Transport Week
Translink ilink day pass awarded to 1 person from everyone who shifts from car to bus or train.

Made the change for World Environment Day, 5 June
Translink ilink day pass awarded to 2 people from everyone who shifts from the car to another travel mode (walk/ public transport/ cycle).

Social Media
Translink ilink adult weekly pass awarded to 1 person from everyone who shares their first logged bus or train journey on social media. You must use the #GetMeActiveNI tag so we can find it on social media.

Participation award
Translink ilink day pass awarded to 1 person from everyone who logs more than 4 journeys this week.

10 - 16 June

Make the change for Bike Week, 10 - 16 June!
£25 shopping voucher awarded to 2 people who shift a journey from car to bike travel this week.

Working from home award
£20 shopping voucher awarded to 2 people who log at least 4 journeys this week. This includes journeys logged as exercise.

Made the change
£20 shopping voucher awarded to 1 person who shifts from car to another mode of travel this week.

Social Media
£25 shopping voucher awarded to 1 person from everyone who shares their journey on social media. You must use the #GetMeActiveNI tag so we can find it on social media.

Participation award
£20 shopping voucher awarded to 1 person who has logged more than 8 journeys since the start of this year's Challenge