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Workplace South Eastern Trust

Size category: 1000+. Currently 11th in category. View results

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South Eastern Trust hasn’t earned any badges yet. Click on a badge below to find out how to earn it.


320 Journeys


  • 320 Total
  • 44 Cycling
  • 157 Walking
  • 42 Running
  • 35 E-cycling
  • 0 Scooter/ skateboard
  • 0 Wheelchair
  • 23 Bus
  • 1 Train
  • 6 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 1 Park and ride
  • 11 Paddling/ Kayaking


South Eastern Trust hasn’t set a target yet.


1,229 Miles


  • 1,229 Total
  • 424 Cycling
  • 301 Walking
  • 212 Running
  • 105 E-cycling
  • 0 Scooter/ skateboard
  • 0 Wheelchair
  • 87 Bus
  • 11 Train
  • 19 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 14 Park and ride
  • 56 Paddling/ Kayaking


88,255 Calories


  • 88,255 Total
  • 22,771 Cycling
  • 27,804 Walking
  • 24,605 Running
  • 3,497 E-cycling
  • 0 Scooter/ skateboard
  • 0 Wheelchair
  • 192 Bus
  • 12 Train
  • 31 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 31 Park and ride
  • 9,314 Paddling/ Kayaking

Cost savings

£158.06 Saved

Cost Savings

  • £158.06 Total
  • £46.81 Cycling
  • £66.53 Walking
  • £3.04 Running
  • £48.96 E-cycling
  • £0 Scooter/ skateboard
  • £0 Wheelchair
  • £-13.20 Bus
  • £2.64 Train
  • £2.73 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • £0.56 Park and ride
  • £0.00 Paddling/ Kayaking

Carbon emissions

89kg CO2 saved

Carbon Emissions

  • 89kg Total
  • 22kg Cycling
  • 38kg Walking
  • 2kg Running
  • 21kg E-cycling
  • 0kg Scooter/ skateboard
  • 0kg Wheelchair
  • 1kg Bus
  • 2kg Train
  • 1kg Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 2kg Park and ride
  • 0kg Paddling/ Kayaking


Team Members Journeys Miles
Ward 4D 1 96 387
DBT Team 2 41 286
SET Active Travel Team 2 13 89
CMP Team 2 12 33
5E 1 4 5
Ward 5a 2 1 5
LARC 1 0 0
Security & car parking 1 0 0
Sidings 1 0 0
Ward 3A 1 0 0

Workplaces – Size Category: 1000+

Position Organisation Participation Journeys
1 Ulster University 5% 1423
2 Translink 4% 3260
3 Business Services Organisation 3% 1062
4 Belfast City Council 2% 1683
5 Derry City and Strabane District Council 2% 876


0.1% Participation

13/12000 people in this workplace are participating in the challenge.

People in this workplace

Person Journeys
Marian 102
Niall 96
Colm 41
Bethany 29
Aidan 11

Workplaces South Eastern Trust are Watching

South Eastern Trust is not watching any Workplaces yet.

Workplace Details

Total staff/members: 12000
Registered: 42
Contact name: Sharon McGimpsey Send a message