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Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Workplace Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Size category: 1000+. Currently 10th in category. View results

Earn badges


947 Journeys


  • 947 Total
  • 210 Cycling
  • 401 Walking
  • 15 Running
  • 29 E-cycling
  • 0 Scooter/ skateboard
  • 0 Wheelchair
  • 143 Bus
  • 124 Train
  • 17 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 8 Park and ride
  • 0 Paddling/ Kayaking


Belfast Health and Social Care Trust hasn’t set a target yet.


7,071 Miles


  • 7,071 Total
  • 1,825 Cycling
  • 1,095 Walking
  • 56 Running
  • 179 E-cycling
  • 0 Scooter/ skateboard
  • 0 Wheelchair
  • 890 Bus
  • 2,908 Train
  • 86 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 32 Park and ride
  • 0 Paddling/ Kayaking


216,947 Calories


  • 216,947 Total
  • 97,991 Cycling
  • 101,088 Walking
  • 6,543 Running
  • 5,956 E-cycling
  • 0 Scooter/ skateboard
  • 0 Wheelchair
  • 1,957 Bus
  • 3,199 Train
  • 142 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 70 Park and ride
  • 0 Paddling/ Kayaking

Cost savings

£779.41 Saved

Cost Savings

  • £779.41 Total
  • £367.47 Cycling
  • £118.36 Walking
  • £0.91 Running
  • £74.64 E-cycling
  • £0 Scooter/ skateboard
  • £0 Wheelchair
  • £-36.88 Bus
  • £241.68 Train
  • £13.24 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • £0.00 Park and ride
  • £0 Paddling/ Kayaking

Carbon emissions

514kg CO2 saved

Carbon Emissions

  • 514kg Total
  • 157kg Cycling
  • 67kg Walking
  • 1kg Running
  • 44kg E-cycling
  • 0kg Scooter/ skateboard
  • 0kg Wheelchair
  • 16kg Bus
  • 222kg Train
  • 7kg Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 0kg Park and ride
  • 0kg Paddling/ Kayaking


Team Members Journeys Miles
PCSS 10 194 1,560
Regional Molecular Diagnostics Service 9 161 1,499
Nursing 3 109 249
Community dental department 2 92 537
Biochem STP TRAINees 2 64 1,366
Regional Virus Lab 3 42 95
Reablement Team 1 36 145
RJMS 1 31 153
Health Improvement 3 27 201
Pharmacy 3 27 248
Optometry 1 24 238
Radiology 5 22 201
Physiotherapy 1 20 31
Endocrinology Lab 2 11 46
Respiratory BCH 1 10 186
Volunteering Team 3 7 14
Anaesthetics 2 4 11
Acute Med RVH 1 3 28
Support worker 3 3 20
CDU 1 2 6
CAMHS 1 0 0
Carer Support Service 1 0 0
Executive Team 1 0 0
Porters 1 0 0
Renal 1 0 0
Respiratory RVH 2 0 0
RICU 1 0 0
Transport 0 0 0
Waiting List Office 1 0 0

Workplaces – Size Category: 1000+

Position Organisation Participation Journeys
1 Ulster University 5% 1423
2 Translink 4% 3260
3 Business Services Organisation 3% 1062
4 Belfast City Council 2% 1683
5 Derry City and Strabane District Council 2% 876


0.2% Participation

42/22000 people in this workplace are participating in the challenge.

People in this workplace

Person Journeys
Chris 128
Donna 107
Roy 64
Sudarsan 46
Borghert Jan 45

Workplaces Belfast Health and Social Care Trust are Watching

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust is not watching any Workplaces yet.

Workplace Details

Total staff/members: 22000
Registered: 81
Contact name: Sinead Reilly Send a message